Google recently announced that they were instituting a “new” metric called “Viewable Impressions” and “Online GRPs”, designed to allow ad buyers to credit only the impressions that are visible to an end user. A lot of people hailed these new metrics, and they quickly gained traction among a lot of brand advertisers. We also think this is a great step
We’ve written about Google + before, firstly answering the question “What Is Google +?” and next up, only a month later, answering the question “Is Google + Dead Already?” That second post was really more tongue-in-cheek, and was designed to ease people’s fears that Google + didn’t immediately overtake Facebook as the number one social network right out of the
Although we were quite alarmed when we read that apparently every hour of TV you watch may shorten your lifespan by 22 minutes, we decided to move that morbid topic aside for another gloomy one – the death of Google+. A few days ago, Forbes contributor Paul Tassi offered a “eulogy” for Google+, saying “Google Plus is a failure no
By now, you’ve of course heard about the new Google+, which was launched a couple of weeks ago. There’s been a lot of hubbub surrounding Google’s newest offering, but with limited “invites” available (right now, you can’t just go sign up and create an account – you have to be invited by someone who already has an account), it can